This page contains the privacy policy, copyright notice, terms of service, and other legal notices regarding the website ("", "we", "us", "website").


Unless otherwise stated, the copyright for all content on this website is as follows: © 2024 Sosiware. All rights reserved

User-generated content (source code, programs, slides, various content, etc.) belongs to the copyright of the respective content owner, and we are granted an irrevocable, non-exclusive, worldwide license to store copies of such content and to display and perform the content solely for the purpose of providing website functionality. All users of the website own a license to make copies and derivative works of programs submitted to the website (according to the license granted by the content submitter), which is only permitted within the website.

Users may post programs under a license that grants broader permissions (e.g., by adding a copyright notice stating that the program is available under an OSI-approved license ( If broader permissions apply to a program submitted by a user, those permissions will apply.

Terms of Service

By using the service, you agree to the following terms of service:

Cookie Policy

When you visit the website, cookies are stored on your computer for login management and security purposes. Additionally, the following services may store additional cookies in your browser:

Privacy Policy

We collect some information about website users: